Luisa Wolf
systemic coach

As a trained events manager, I have worked successfully in the event, film and media industry for the last 10 years. In my job I was able to travel a lot and get to know new people, cultures and landscapes.
I am very grateful for that, because it has greatly enriched me and my view of the world. But as varied, extraordinary and diverse as this industry is, I often found the fruits of my labor to be terribly fast-moving. I went in search of a deeper and more beneficial connection to the beauty and nature that surrounds us.
With the move from the city center to the countryside, as well as access to meditation, I not only found a new "outside" home, but also inside. During my training as a nature educator, I quickly became aware of the extent to which dealing with nature influences our personal development. In everyday life we often lose sight of the constant change, of ups and downs, of breathing in and out - in short, we lose sight of what life is all about!
Getting to know and appreciate nature more again is also an important contribution to climate change for me! Because we protect what we love!
It gives me great pleasure to go on a discovery tour in nature together with others and to learn together.
At the moment I am also in training as a wilderness educator and naturopath for psychotherapy.
Portfolio ansehen:
for nature connection & mindfulness:

nature educator
for children & young people: